Less Is More


If the body burden of toxins is too high and we cross the level of exposure the immune system can handle, our immune system becomes overwhelmed and we get inflammation, high antibodies and tissue damage with autoimmune symptoms.

Anywhere we can eliminate a chunk of toxins from our life, the better. Here’s a great recipe and testimony for a non-toxic weed killer that works well. We used it on our own yard last week!

“I had some pesky weeds growing in my mulch and didn’t want to use toxic chemicals that I know cause cancer and more.

So I mixed a gallon of vinegar with 1 cup of Basic H2 cleaner.. I sprayed it, directly, on the weeds only. Came back to check two days later. Voila! The weeds were dead!” Jerry

There you go. Pretty simple way to avoid some nasty toxins in the yard. With autoimmune diseases flaring (now over 100 of them) and cancer rate approaching 1 out of 2, we want to get more focused on limiting the load we’re putting on our body. If you want to know more about this safe, nontoxic line of cleaning options, reach out! Your health depends on it and your wallet will thank you too! 🙂

LESS toxins is MORE health!
