Testimony 1– Help for focus!

After suffering a serious concussion and losing my ability to focus at times, I was introduced to some nutritional things to help me with my brain health.  After working on this for a short time, I noticed an obvious improvement in my ability to focus and concentrate at work.  I’m a Computer Programmer so my job requires concentration, focus and attention to detail.  When I take what is needed  before going to work, I’m able to think more rapidly, focus on an issue & determine a solution much quicker.  I find I’m so much more alert when I am consistent with my morning nutrition. After experiencing this improvement, I decided to try getting my Freshman son started.  Prior to starting this new nutrition program my son had problems concentrating and focusing on homework.  I often had to remind him to get back to his homework.   Now I find his focus has improved and so have his grades! I highly recommend talking with Tricia to get help in this area.


Testimony 2-Energy and Immune system help!

I tried so many vitamins and none of them worked, so I quit altogether. At the end of 2008, I started to get sick with respiratory infections and this continued for at least 6 months. I had no energy or voice at all. In 2009, the infections continued and in 2010, I was diagnosed with asthma and began treatment. I had to quit my job in home health after ending up in the Er with all of the symptoms of a heart attack. After 12 months of testing, the doctors determined I never had a heart attack. They just could not tell me what was wrong. No doctor was helping me.I still continued to have dizziness and even chest pains so severe that I was afraid to hold my grandchildren in fear of dropping them. In 2013, I was introduced to some nutrition through Tricia and started on a nutrition program.  After talking with Tricia , I started to think about my diet as well. Shortly after starting this program and changing my diet, I noticed my energy levels were increasing and that my joints did not ache or swell as much from my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Today even though I still will get a respiratory infection, they do not hit me as hard or last as long. I can still function and I am no longer on the asthma medications. The best part is that I can now hold my grand babies without fear of dropping them. I no longer suffer from chest pains and dizziness. Feeding my body well with proper nutritional supplementation in conjunction with a healthier diet has me feeling better than I have felt in a very long time.


Testimony3-Migraine relief!

Last night, out of nowhere, I started experiencing the onset of a migraine. I don’t get them often but they are debilitating, so I pickup on the signs quickly. In this case it was my eyesight. IDK if you ever get migraines, but the best way to describe it is if you stared at a light and then looked away, you would still see like a light burst impeding your vision. It started in my left eye and quickly moved to my right. So I started to rationalize. “What could have caused this?” Of course I never drink enough water so sure that could be it. Could also be the pollen and allergy related. Either way, I needed to do something quickly or I was going to be out of commission until it went away (usually means a dark room and sleeping for hours) So grabbed some yogurt, and mixed in my powdered multivitamin and my pre and probiotics recommended by Tricia as part of my nutrition program. I drank some water and got settled in bed. Needless to say, after about an hour, my symptoms went away! I’m so convinced that it was the vitamins and gut health supplements I just placed my reorder!


Testimony 4- Healthy weight loss post Lap Band

Growing up, I struggled with weight gain even though I ran cross country in high school and college. 

After collage I tried weight watchers, diet workshop, Metabolife and UC Physicians weight loss programs: my weight kept going up and down.

In 2005 while working with medication for weight loss at UC Physician, I had a grand mal seizure due to a side effect of the medication. Other medications caused other side effects so they said they could no longer help me. 

In 2009 I had a Lap Band inserted and lost weight but did not get to my goal weight.

Beginning in 2014, I joined a Zumba class. But in 2015, I started concentrating on my health and my weight. I was introduced to some great nutrition through Tricia and all the benefits of the program that included healthy protein shakes and supplements. It restarted my weight loss, once again! 


Testimony 5-From Transplant List to Normal!

When I was introduced to a nutrition program through Tricia and started this journey a few months ago I was taking 80mg of Lasix a day and was on fluid restriction of 50 ounces of water a day.

My nephrologist and I spoke about setting up tissue type testing to get me prepared for the transplant list. I was categorized as stage 3 kidney failure.

My feet were so swollen at the end of the day they felt like the skin was going to rip. I struggled to breathe after simply getting dressed. Now…I drink as much as I’d like and if I struggle breathing I take Lasix as needed. I haven’t taken Lasix but once (20mg) over the last few weeks. My feet no longer swell.

An extra bonus was my parathyroid hormone levels went from more than twice the normal level to way below normal! In fact, all of my labs were normal, even my allergy panel!!

When I saw my nephrologist, he was speechless. And so was I!
