Our Approach
At Advantage Health, it is our goal to help people achieve a better quality of life as they age. Today we are living longer, but our health span is not matching our lifespan. Our approach is to help give people the necessary wellness principles that they can apply to achieve their health goals.
We study with scientists, doctors and nutritionists across the country and Canada to provide cutting edge information to our clients to improve their quality of life by helping them discern their bodies needs.
In working with the scientific community we evaluate companies and their products on an ongoing basis to determine their efficacy, safety and purity. We supply these products to our clients.
We live in a society today where we are often given two choices concerning our health. We can do nothing at all or take medicine. Medicine has its place, but there are a lot of things we can do through nutrition to prevent health issues or improve existing ones. Do you want to learn how you can do that?
Some areas of focus where are clients have been helped are:
- Allergies
- Acid Reflux
- Attention Deficit
- Blood sugar
- Blood pressure
- Bone density
- Cancer
- Children’s health
- Cholesterol
- Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Immunity
- Insomnia
- Pain
- Stress
- weight loss
- skin health
- and more….
Tricia Jonson
Wellness Coach/Owner
Tricia is a Registered Nurse Wellness Coach and has been passionate about nutrition and wellness for 25 years. She loves sharing information she has learned through her studies with experts with others and helping them to achieve their health goals. She is happily married to her high school sweetheart of 33 years and the mother of three children.
“My family is important to me and so I have made a commitment to not only improve the health of my family, but the lives of many others. Two of my children have struggles with issues of Autism, OCD, and Tourette’s and this has placed a huge dynamic on our family. With the help of nutrition, we have seen much improvement. In fact, my oldest son who was diagnosed with Autism at age 4 is now 28 and no longer fits the diagnoses of an autistic child due to the improvements he has made. He even has his driver’s license, a full-time job, and his own car that he purchased himself. He is also getting ready to move out on his own. I am so proud of him. Overall, the health of my family has improved where we are not getting sick like we used to and if we do start to show any signs, we have the tools on hand to drive that away. Because my family has been helped, I know others can be too. I am on a mission to help as many as I can. “
In addition to her passion for nutrition and wellness, she enjoys spending time with her family , pets, and going to church. She also loves music and enjoys playing piano, song writing, and performing as a singer in various venues.
Next Steps…
Take the first step today for your health. Contact us to set up your complimentary session to discuss your health focus and goals.
Call Tricia at 513-305-4444 to schedule your FREE complimentary session today. Call to Action