Are you Lookin Good?

Image result for women looking in a mirror

Almost 50% of adults in this country have a chronic condition.  The percentage is worse for people over 65 years.  Many of these folks have multiple chronic conditions.

This all comes at a high price. The Center for Disease Control says these health problems account for 78% of the country’s health expenses. According to the CDC, 6 out of 10 adults have a chronic illness and 4 out of 10 Americans have at least two. We are seeing these issues start in youth and teens that carries into the young adult years. Very sad! The cost for a person who has one condition is three times greater than the cost for someone without a chronic problem.  And it’s seventeen times greater if someone has five or more problems.

A study in 2011 projects, by the year 2030, the expense for chronic illness worldwide will exceed $47 trillion.  This can be devastating to a country and why you’ve heard me say “We’re all in this together!”  Like it or not.

In fact, the CDC says seven out of ten deaths in the U.S. are due to chronic disease.

It’s these problems that rob us of many years of life, NOT infectious diseases.

This is why my mission is to help people learn how to protect and prevent. My mission is to help turn “sick care” into wellcare!

It’s a must today if you don’t want to be one of these statistics.  Just eating healthy doesn’t cut it anymore.  We want to be much more proactive about health than that!

I am committed to keeping you informed about research, what’s happening in our food supply, supplements and other products and ways to help you have a better life.

You want the three stages of your life to be: youth, maturity and “My, you’re lookin good!”

With commitment to health, this will be true for us all! 

What is your focus and how do you want to see yourself this year? Here’s to a better you in 2020!
