Deficiencies and Density


It’s getting more common to have digestive issues and not be absorbing nutrients properly. Inflammation is a key reason for this. We now know people with this situation can have osteoporosis.

Taking a bisphosphonate drug to help with bone development, does not stop the calcium and other needed nutrient malabsorption. If you’re not absorbing calcium, magnesium, Vitamin K, Boron, Vitamin D….you’re trying to build new bone out of a wooden dowel instead of an iron rod. The real reason for the osteoporosis is not being addressed.

According to those we learn from, this is why postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, taking a bisphosphonate medication, have as many fractures as the women who don’t take the medication? The drug is not dealing with their deficiencies.

We want to pamper our digestive tract as it’s the giver of health or giver of disease. Along with the other great digestive products, to “pamper” the digestive tract I always think of herbs such as peppermint and ginger along with a few other herbals. I work with a great complex of these nutrients that really has made a difference in this area. It helps with digestion, calms upset stomach, relieves gas, spasms and cramps, helps irritable bowel, morning and motion sickness and inhibits diarrhea….

Your digestion CAN improve and I will guide you to this wonderful place!

Here’s to healthy digestion and bones!
