Detox Is So Important!


What’s the key to prevention?  There are two reasons that make a cell sick: lack of nutrients and/or toxicity. Medical studies show 95% of cancer is caused by what we are and are not putting in our mouths (food and supplements), and the environment. Let’s look at the environmental toxins: as an example-what does a researcher do when he wants 500 rats for cancer study?  Give them one dose of a chemical toxin to create cancer. When he wants a few hundred rats with Parkinson’s disease? Just dose them with a common pesticide. Environmental chemicals burn holes in our genetic material known as DNA. This causes changes that cause cancer.  We want to stay away, as much as possible, from toxins.  This will lessen the load on our body, a lot.  But the truth is, we can’t totally avoid these chemicals. (analyzing breath samples on several hundred New Jersey residents-the EPA found benzene in 89%, perchloroethylene in 93% and trichloroethylene (shown to cause leukemia) in 29%.  Numerous other chemicals were found.) This is why detoxification is soooooo important!  We want to be doing it every day as it’s a big part of prevention.  As equally as we’re putting the good in, we want to get the bad out. Even the nutrients we take in serve to help the body detoxify.  If you want to learn more about what is working for others to rev up detoxification and greatly increase natural killer cells, I am happy to share.  I have a great and highly concentrated Immune building program to help with this. With Covid and all of the other viruses that are starting to spread and there will be more this Fall, we want to be doing all we can to protect ourselves and give our bodies the best chance possible….So, let’s start kicking this detox into gear! It’s time to reset and reboot!

Here’s to cleaning up!
