It was discovered some of these problems were brought on in only 10 days! So these foods were pulled off the market, right? Wrong! Instead the scientist who made this discovery was fired from his job of 30 years and was threatened with a law suit to be silent. If not, it would have been a big problem for the GMO food industry. Organic- (no synthetic pesticides or herbicides in the growth process) A big culprit is glyphosate (think Round Up). It was declared by the WHOs top cancer committee to be a probable carcinogen. It was, originally, created to take minerals off the inside of industrial pipes and is a patented antibiotic. Neither are good but a talk for another time. So when buying food, it’s better to have both Non-GMO and Organic, on the label. Organic is not allowed to have intentional GMO ingredients and it does not allow the use of Round Up. Non-GMO only, on the label, does not allow GMO ingredients but it does allow Round Up. Non-GMO is only focused on GMO ingredients. Having both on the label is the BEST. Organic is not tested for accidental GMO contamination, so also having the Non-GMO label means it has been tested for GMO ingredients, too. Did you know it’s important which supplements you use? You want to be using supplements where they guarantee that No GMO ingredients or synthetic pesticides or herbicides(no Round Up) are being used or in the final product. this is where strict testing is a must. sad to say, most do not do the proper testing needed to make sure you are getting a safe and pure effective product. To know what I work with and use based on what I have learned from the science community and was named the most clinically proven wellness company in the world, then reach out. With other lines you literally take your health in your hands Tricia Jonson Eating the best we can! |