I just LOVE when Spring comes around. It can be so hard to be patient for the weather to change after long winter months and the Spring fever starts taking over. It is a season when everything is renewed, and new life is born.
Spring means flower buds and blooming trees — and if you’re one of the millions of people who have seasonal allergies, you also know it means sneezing, congestion, a runny nose, sinus infections and more.
What are allergies? An over stimulated immune system. Not the same as sensitivities which are often misdiagnosed. Meds are often given to mask the symptoms. They are not dealing with root causes, but only treating the symptoms.
A. Removing or eliminating the sources that are causing the problem. (foods, chemicals, etc..)
B. Restoring the body’s balanced immune system:
Want to know how you can improve the immune system and allergies through nutrition and learning key supplements and nutrients to give your body what it needs to heal and function better? I promise you, that you can feel better and improve those allergy issues. I am one of those that used to struggle from the time I was little, but was able to turn this area of my health around. I am 53 years old and no longer on ANY medications. I feel great!
If interested in learning what is working and helping so many in this area of health, reach out and set up your complimentary session and FREE health assessment.
You can enjoy Spring again!