Lecithin-An important protection!

Lecithin - Wikipedia


Lecithin is a more versatile nutrient than most people realize. 

While it’s great for fatty liver, cholesterol, and good sleep, it has many more functions…. 

Most disease begins in the cell membrane and we’ve dramatically changed the chemistry of this area today. This is especially important in lieu of the current pandemic crisis we are in with COVID-19. The more the cell membrane is affected, the more gateways for viruses to get in.

The cell membrane is like a skin that surrounds each cell.  It’s double layered like two soft tortillas with a filling inside.  And it’s a VERY important area of communication for the body.  (like the internet, texting and TV all at once)

This membrane also has hormone receptors, allergy receptors, releases entities to fight infection and makes things to control pain. 

It also has the channels for minerals to flow in and out of the cell that control blood pressure.

Here’s what’s important to know.  The ingredients in lecithin make up a lot of the “filling” between the two layers of cell membrane.

Without enough lecithin, the “filling” layer shrinks.  It also can harden, limiting the flow of nutrients in and wastes out. The more damage the membrane has the more problems in all the communication systems, premature aging of the cells and more high blood pressure and other diseases.

As we’ve mentioned before, many lecithin products on the market are not stable and have been shown to have rancidity.  This is not something you can taste but will do more harm than good as it’s toxic to the cells. I thankfully have found one that has been rigorously tested over again and again to ensure potency and efficacy. This is an area I can guide you on as I study with experts who do product analysis and and can share what is working and safe for everyone to use.

Lecithin is one important nutrient for cell membrane health, but there are many more. To learn more about this area of cell membrane health and how we can safeguard more and protect ourselves from viruses and serious ones like COVID-19, reach out. We have a great webinar on this topic! We are lal in this together!

To healthy cells!
