Natural Sunscreen: Good For Your Skin And the Earth

When we think of our skin, we want to understand that it is the largest organ we have and what we put on it, goes directly into our bloodstream within seconds. It is important to know what is in your sunscreen and other personal skincare items as so many ingredients can actually cause more harm than good not only for our bodies, but the environment as well. One example of how the environment is being affected is in our oceans. Over the years, there has been a dramatic change in the coral reefs where “coral bleaching” is occurring not only due to the unusually warm waters, but also the human pollution from sunscreen.

One of the main ingredients to keep an eye out for is benzophenone-3 (BP-3; oxybenzone). This chemical is a leading ingredient in most sunscreens that reduces UV exposure, in that it absorbs UV light. Studies with oxybenzone and coral have shown that even minimal exposure led the reefs to be increasingly sensitive to increased heat, leading to reef bleaching at much cooler temperatures than would normally cause bleaching.

In addition to damaging the reefs, it is also a potential endocrine disruptor in both fish and humans. The endocrine system is responsible for the healthy function of our hormones, reproductive systems, sleep cycles, and moods—not really systems we want to disrupt. This is so scary!

Parabens are also toxic for humans in addition to coral. Parabens are a preservative used in a number of personal care and beauty products. They are particularly rampant in sunscreens, and increased paraben exposure has also been linked to a disruption of hormones as well as an increased risk of breast cancer.

So what is the solution? Thankfully, there is a wide variety of natural sunscreens to choose from today, but my favorite one is by Shaklee, YOUTH® Age Defense Mineral Moisturizer SPF 30 | Anti-Aging Collection | YOUTH® | Beauty | Shaklee US site This moisturizer really does have it all; it’s nourishing, lightweight, and pollutant protecting, and it is vegan and cruelty-free. Did we also mention that it improves the overall appearance of skin tone? Its nice to know that you can have something that is safe, clinically supported, and not going to impact the environment in a negative way. A win win for all!

Reach out if interested in trying this wonderful sunscreen. You will not have any regrets!

Here’s to healthier skin and healthier oceans!
