Spring cleaning for better health, energy and more!

We all want to be Spring cleaning for better health, energy and more. How do we do that? Just like we clean out our closets in our homes and refresh, renew, and replenish, it is fitting to talk about our internal cleaning system, our digestive system. I talk a lot about detoxification as a result of better nutrition and key supplementation, but we also detoxify continuously through our breathing, skin, and our urinary system in addition to or digestive system. Every time we put food or drink into our system, we set into action a chain of events that
leads to the breakdown of the food or drink into digestible components—amino acids,
carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals etc. What our body cannot absorb is
passed on through our intestines to our colon and processed into waste. Our kidneys, lungs
and colon process and excrete metabolites on a continuous and daily basis. The skin
“breathes” out metabolites as well. Because the great majority of detoxification of our
bodies occurs via our digestive system, I will focus on dietary and supplement strategies
that can optimize your digestive function—and help you feel better every day!

So, for a healthier digestive system:
#1 Drink Water!
The most important recommendation for optimum detoxification is making sure you have an
adequate intake of fluids, in particular good old water. While most experts  make a standard recommendation that adults consume 8 glasses (64 fl. oz.) of water per day, there are widely varying individual needs determined by other factors such as activity level
outdoors, the weather, and even genetic factors.. Also be aware that fruits, vegetables, coffee,
tea, juices and other beverages all make significant contributions to your fluid intake, but the best intake by far is water as many of the other drinks such as coffee or tea can actually dehydrate.  I recommend at least 6-8 glasses of pure filtered or sparkling water per day separate from other fluid intake and you may need more if you tend to have problems with constipation. A rule of thumb is to drink half of your bodyweight  in oz. I know that is a lot of water, but you need it!

It is important to drink pure water as tap water has chemicals in it that can affect our health in a negative way. Chlorine for one can actually wipe out the “good guys” in our gut. We do not want that to happen. Make sure you are using a pitcher or filtration system that removes at least 56 chemicals or more including lead. I am happy to share what I use and recommend if interested.

This is the just one step in the process to Spring cleaning for health. I will go over more steps in the days ahead.

So, let’s start cleaning!
