Staying Healthy This Winter

Every year around this time we are all exposed to different viruses. The problem about these viruses is that they are smart and ever changing. It is different from year to year in how these viruses present themselves. There is only so much the medical field can do in this area, but the good news is that there are lots of ways that we can protect ourselves more from these pesky viruses and learn healthy ways to build our immune system, so that we can fight better.

Our Best ways to prevent:

The Basics: As always, the best place to start to maintain a healthy immune system is with the basics. Regular physical activity can help manage stress, which can affect our overall health in a negative way. The goal is to aim for 7 ½ to 8 hours of sleep and reduce (or eliminate) fried and high-fat foods, processed foods, and sugar which can wreak havoc with your immune balance.

Wash Your Hands: Washing hands remains the most effective way to protect yourself and your family from colds and flu. Lather, rinse, repeat throughout the day—especially if you have sick people around you. Try to avoid touching your face after potentially coming into contact with germs—it’s a direct inoculation. There are some safer options of hand soap I recommend due to chemicals that are often in personal care.

Increase the beneficial Gut Bacteria: 80 percent of your immune system is in your digestive tract. Research shows us the connection between healthy gut flora and overall immunity.1

Add Foods that build Immune Health: There are many foods with medicinal properties; make sure you include as many as possible. Think about combining a lot of the ingredients below in chicken soup:

Foods that support immune health
  • Oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, potatoes(sweet potatoes or red potatoes are better) and other fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and E are all good for your immune system.

  • Shiitake, Maitake, and other mushrooms have been used, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine, for boosting the immune system.2

  • Garlic and Onions not only taste great but have been sown from research to help build our immune sytem more.

Adding helpful Herbs: Research shows the immune sytem building effects from use of turmeric4, oregano, ginger5, echinacea6, larch7, and elderberry8. Some of these also make a great tea.

Make Sure You Are Getting the Right Nutrients: Your immune system needs to be well nourished to function at its best. Stock up on the following nutrients:

  • Macro-Nutrients: The macro-nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Focus on lean protein; it is essential for a healthy immune system.9 Supplement with EPA and DHA, or eat fish twice a week for those healthy omega-3 fats. It matters what Omega supplement you are using as most are contaminated. I do recommend a certain Omega I know that is 100% pure and effective backed by research. Adding in healthy plant based protein powder to smoothies is one great way to achieve increasing more protein. I am happy to share one that is safe and proven to be effective.

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins such as vitamin A, B6, B12, E C, folate, and the minerals zinc, copper and iron all support an effective immune response.  

  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D  is becoming more of a focus when it comes to our immune system. it used to be more of a focus with just bone health. Vitamin D plays a role in so many areas of our  health. Most people are low in this area. It is a great idea to have your vitamin D3 levels checked. In my studies with experts in nutrition, I have learned that for optimal health, we want to have our levels between 80-100. The United States lab values are considered low and just because your level may show according to those standards of being in the normal range, it is not high enough for optimal health

Protect your immune system by starting early, taking good care of yourself, and feeding your body the nutrients it needs to stay strong. It matters what supplements you use to add into a healthy diet. I am happy to share more about what I work with based on research and clinical studies.To learn more on how to best get started with a nutrition plan, please contact me today!