Stressed Out Brain!


Stress is seriously harmful to the brain. According to our mentors, it literally shrinks it! Stress causes inflammation in the brain (you can’t feel brain inflammation!) and keeps it from working properly. A big issue is stress breaks down the blood brain barrier. This is a lining that protects the brain by keeping out infections either coming from the outside or the inside of the body. We tend to think stress is always from what’s happening in life. We don’t think about stress as coming from poor diet-sugar, dairy, gluten, junk food, or poor sleep. We have control over diet, but we can’t always control circumstances. We can, however, help our body cope with stress.  If we want good brain health, we want to help our body relax and be in the rest and digest mode as much as possible. If you want to know what is helpful for bringing down the stress, blunting cortisol naturally and replacing the proper nutrients that are often depleted by stress, we want to chat! There is a lot we can do to help!


Stopping the brain burn!