Healthy Summer Skin and Beyond!

Time to think about skin health and how to protect it more! Your skin is a very important part of your immune system. In fact, it’s considered the first step of the immune system. The “acid mantle” our skin creates is a protective barrier that keeps invaders from entering the body. We don’t want to break this down as it’s not to our benefit, if we want to keep infections at bay and stay active. Many products on the market break down this barrier. So not only is bacteria able to enter the body more easily because of this, breaking down this barrier also allows bacteria to colonize on our skin and cause skin breakouts. There are safer options to protect your skin every day and not just when out in the sun. You don’t have to worry about chemicals entering your blood stream and causing health issues.

What skin issues are you dealing with? Wrinkles, age spots, dark circles, puffy eyes, droopy eyelids, dry skin, uneven skin tone? Good news, there is help for this. I have been blessed to have been working with a line that has 8 patents plus and proven in clinical studies to repair the DNA to skin cells, and reverse skin age up to a decade without ANY compromise to your health.

Want to know get more scoop on this an even sample?

Get in touch for your complimentary session or join one of my skin challenge groups in August.

Here’s to Looking Younger Longer!
