Omegas And Blood Pressure


Heart Disease is still the number 1 cause of death in this country. But while deaths from heart disease have been declining, deaths due to high blood pressure have been increasing. That is why anything we can do to lower blood pressure naturally is important.

Due to several studies the FDA has even allowed qualified claims on the benefits of using a good Omega 3 product for healthy blood pressure.

You want a high-quality Omega 3. Alot on the market are not and there is a high risk of contamination issues. For one, you want a full spectrum product instead of just EPA and DHA.

The mechanism is it will cause blood cells to be less sticky, so they don’t tend to clump as easily. This causes blood to “flow” more easily, lessening the pressure in vessels.

Secondly, if you (like most Americans) are low in essential fats, the blood cells are stiff and can get stuck if there’s a narrowing in the vessels. When there is adequate essential fats, the blood cells are flexible and can squeeze through and into tight places better, like capillaries.

Blood pressure meds have many side effects, everything from shortness of breath and nausea to including dementia, cancer and lowering of IQ.

A pure and high-quality Omega that is full spectrum can be a piece of natural help with blood pressure along with Vitamin D, magnesium and some other natural targeted products, if still needed. I do work with a very pure Omega that meets the requirements needed to work well as well as these other important nutrients that are beneficial. If you want to talk and learn more about what is working for others, reach out!

It’s important to know that you don’t have to worry about tanking up on lead, mercury, PCBs and the other hundreds of contaminants that Omega products are known for bringing to the table.

Understand, if you are on blood pressure medication, we’re not saying you should get off. But wouldn’t it be great if your blood pressure got healthier and your doctor decided you don’t need to take as much medication?

Tricia Jonson

Helping you keep your health!